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      新聞資訊 管理會計 內(nèi)控管理 培訓(xùn)通知

      稅務(wù)和會計更新Tax & Accounting Update

      來源:本站原創(chuàng) 瀏覽量: 發(fā)布日期:2020/9/17 11:30:51

      IRS taking steps to increase operations.


      On the IRS website, the IRS Commissioner has explained that the IRS anticipates bringing more people back into its campuses and offices to do work that cannot be performed remotely. The first phase, which began June 1, will include employees with nonportable work in Kentucky, Texas, and Utah. In addition, over the next several weeks, the IRS will continue to ask employees whose work is not portable to return to their posts of duty. Business unit leaders are evaluating their needs and will make decisions about how many employees are needed in each location to clear out the backlog of work and safely resume operations.


      稅務(wù)和會計更新Tax & Accounting Update

      IFRS Interpretations Committee to discuss supply chain financing, other topics.

      國際財務(wù)報告準則解釋委員會IFRS Interpretations Committee討論供應(yīng)鏈融資其他議題。


      At press time, the IFRS Interpretations Committee has yet to determine its next steps about disclosure and presentation reporting issues arising from supply chain financing arrangements—a process that enables buyers and sellers to minimize risk across a supply chain. Committee discussions on supply chain financing started in April following a company’s request to clarify a matter related to the presentation and disclosure of reverse factoring arrangements, according to a board handout published on June 5. The panel has been studying how an entity presents its obligations with regard to reverse factoring arrangements, and what to disclose in its financial statements. Separately, the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) will discuss feedback it received on its published tentative agenda decision in response to a submission on International Accounting Standard (IAS) 12, Income Taxes.

      截至發(fā)稿時,國際財務(wù)報告準則解釋委員會尚未就供應(yīng)鏈融資安排引起的披露和列報報告問題(使買方和賣方能夠?qū)⒄麄€供應(yīng)鏈的風險降至#低的程序)確定下一步行動。根據(jù)65日發(fā)布的一份董事會講義,在一家公司要求澄清與反向保理安排的列報和披露有關(guān)的事項后,委員會于4月開始討論供應(yīng)鏈融資問題。事務(wù)委員會一直在研究一個實體如何列報其在反向保理安排方面的義務(wù),以及在其財務(wù)報表中應(yīng)披露的內(nèi)容。另外,國際財務(wù)報告解釋委員會(International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee,IFRIC)將討論它收到的關(guān)于其公布的臨時議程決定的反饋,以回應(yīng)關(guān)于國際會計準則(International Accounting Standard, IAS12 - 所得稅的意見。


      稅務(wù)和會計更新Tax & Accounting Update


      Cities, states get clarifying rules for cloud computing, subscription-based IT arrangements.



      The GASB issued new accounting rules on June 5 to clarify how to report cloud computing and other subscription-based forms of software arrangements, the use of which by state and local governments has skyrocketed. Governmental entities have been shifting from traditional information technology (IT) based on a purchasing and perpetual licensing model to cloud computing and similar arrangements. The new rules will bring more uniformity to financial reporting in that area, the statement explains. The standard takes effect for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2022, one year later than the board originally proposed. The extension was provided in order to give state and local governments more time to deal with circumstances arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, the board said. Early application is encouraged.


      稅務(wù)和會計更新Tax & Accounting Update

      Broad support to build on international approach to revise quality control standards.



      The PCAOB has received broad support to build upon a proposed approach taken by an international standard-setter to update the board’s audit quality control (QC) standards. A firm’s QC deals with its system of employee training and compliance with professional standards and its standards of quality. The board believes that strong QC is important to audit quality. In the past several years, the board has been researching the standards to determine if they need to be updated as the inspections staff has continued to find deficiencies in audit engagements as well as problems in firms’ QC systems in certain areas. Currently, the PCAOB uses the AICPA’s QC standards, which were issued in 1997 before the board existed. The audit environment has changed dramatically since then, especially with advances in technology. “There is no need to reinvent the wheel; the existing International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board’s [IAASB] standards, when complete, will represent a good starting point for the PCAOB that can be tailored to fit the specific needs of the U.S. market,” wrote Marcie Frost, CEO of California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS). “Many accounting firms are multinational organizations using worldwide auditing practices and are already familiar with the IAASB standards which will ease the transition.”

      PCAOB得到了廣泛的支持,幫助其在一個國際標準制定者提出的方法基礎(chǔ)上更新審計委員會審計質(zhì)量控制(QC)標準。一個公司的質(zhì)量控制涉及到它的員工培訓(xùn)體系,以及專業(yè)標準和質(zhì)量標準的依從性。董事會認為,強有力的質(zhì)量控制對審計質(zhì)量很重要。在過去幾年中,審計委員會一直在研究這些標準,以確定是否需要更新這些標準,因為檢查人員不斷發(fā)現(xiàn)審計工作中的缺陷,以及公司在某些領(lǐng)域的質(zhì)量控制系統(tǒng)中存在的問題。目前,PCAOB使用AICPA的質(zhì)量控制標準,該標準在委員會存在之前于1997年發(fā)布。自那以后,審計環(huán)境發(fā)生了巨大變化,特別是隨著技術(shù)的進步。Marcie Frost,加州公共雇員退休系統(tǒng)(California Public Employees’ Retirement System, CalPERS)的首席執(zhí)行官寫道:“沒有必要重新設(shè)計車輪;現(xiàn)有的國際審計與鑒證標準委員會(IAASB)的標準完成后,將為PCAOB提供一個良好的起點,可以根據(jù)美國市場的具體需求進行調(diào)整?!薄霸S多會計師事務(wù)所是跨國組織,采用全球?qū)徲嫅T例,并且已經(jīng)熟悉IAASB標準,這將有助于簡化過渡?!?/span>


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